
Postal Address: Contact:
Technosoftware GmbH
Windleweg 3
5235 Rüfenach
General Requests: sales (at)
Executive Directors: Commercial Register:
Thomas Johannhson Commercial register of canton Aargau, Switzerland
Registration Number:
CHE-207.926.081 HR
VAT Identification Number:
CHE-207.926.081 MWST



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Liability Clause

The website of Technosoftware GmbH contains links to other websites. The Technosoftware GmbH is not responsible for their content neither for the privacy policy of these websites. By pressing the link you are leaving the information provided by Technosoftware GmbH. The intention of all information on the Technosoftware GmbH website is general information without any commitment only. It can not replace individual consulting and is not exhaustive. Mandatory information regarding technical details, features, properties or functionality of products and technology will only be given exclusively by our consultants. All information on the Technosoftware GmbH website will regularly be updated, changed or completed. The Technosoftware GmbH reserves the right to changes and / or enhance one or more contents, graphics and links at any time. The availability of the websites is not guaranteed. The Technosoftware GmbH excludes liability especially for download and use of files and documentation provided on the websites. Also excluded is negligent breach of duty, unless contractive duties like live, health or body are affected or claims regarding product liability law.


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